[It was former Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor who kick-started the debate by saying Britain owes India reparations for the economic exploitation that the Raj carried out during its rule. The 'Empire' had struck back saying Britain's legacy of its colonial rule was a 'unified' India, a secular democracy and the notion of equality. Are the Empire’s apologists engaging in chicanery and half-truths? What about the systematic destruction of India's cottage industry and transforming India into a British 'market'? Did British imperialism sustain itself through the vast resources of its colony? Join NDTV for this special Independence Day debate.]
This show must be watched to understand the logic of the empire and its counter by Prof. Aditya Mukherjee, a celebrated historian of modern Indian history. What Tharoor had earlier said in his famous speech at Oxford was originally taken from writings of great historian Bipan Chandra and his students Prof Aditya Mukherjee, Prof. Mridula Mukherjee, Prof Sucheta Mahajan and many others. Tharoor is not a historian but he borrowed the argument and delivered it in his well- known oratory style. He is an old debater of St. Stephens College of Delhi University, one of the most prestigious colleges in India. He knows how to put an argument to thwart the opposition. Tharoor's speech only covers the economic aspect of colonial exploitation, Prof Mukherjee extends it to a larger domain. Since NDTV videos can not be shared on the blog, a link is being given below with an image of Prof Mukherjee. Please click and watch the full episode on NDTV...
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